Dancing with Messages from the Universe

Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

It seems like there is so much going on for so many people these days. Babies being born, projects beginning, loss and heartache and so much growth in this thing called living. And as we make meaning of our multi- dimensional lives, how do we encounter the various random things that happen like a broken down car or an unexpected interruption. Is it a sign or just part of the randomness of life?

For instance maybe we encounter a series of things.  Like you meet a random stranger who says something like “keep your head up,” and then you see a cop who flashes their lights as you are driving 30 mph in a 20 mph school zone. Is this random or a message to slow down? Does this pertain to how you are living in general or is there something that you are missing because you have your head down and going too fast? This example feels slightly obvious but what about the other random encounters or events that are harder to piece together or reveal their wisdom over time.

For instance you dream you are in an airport and you are getting ready to board a plane and you forgot the ticket. The next day there is an email in your inbox from a friend you haven’t heard from in years. And then out of the blue, you get stung by a bee in your back yard as you are pulling weeds. Is there something forgotten from your past that you are being asked (or stung) back to remembering? Or is there something about this friend that still stings but you have forgotten about it?

How do you make sense of these seemingly random things? I do feel like everything we encounter is assisting us in our growth and transformation. And I think that allowing our dreams and experiences to serve us as important and creative messages can really open up our imaginations and intuition. We don’t always have to understand it, but maybe we can dance with it a bit. Take time to write about it in a journal at the beginning or end of the day or carry a small notebook to jot down messages from the universe.

So maybe for a few weeks assume there is nothing random and be willing to find ways to invite the universe to inform you. I always suggest when working with intuition to pray for guidance and in that moment, pray for signs to help you become better in relationships, or to assist in the beginning of a project. Or ask for a message to help feel more connected to your own divine spark. As you pay attention, enjoy how the universe is ready to assist you at every turn.