Intuition as a Life Choice

Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I feel grateful to have spent time with a few out-of-town clients here in Albuquerque recently. It is so inspiring to see them on the path of deepening their connection to their authentic intuitive voice and following their hearts’ dreams. From my perspective, intuitive living is a choice, a brave choice and I am always excited to be part of it and witness it in others.

When I first started down this path, I somehow thought intuitive living would bring me more control of my life circumstances because intuition would help me avoid painful situations and I would always know and do the “right” thing, so life would be easy.

Now, I laugh at this. Intuitive living is not a road paved in certainty but the path of mysterious adventure. Connecting to inner guidance doesn’t mean you get to skip the painful relationship challenges or that suddenly all your experiences are smooth and easy. Or that you can avoid being fired or having health problems or loss of loved ones. In some ways this life choice, intuitive living, asks us to show up and do self-work at a deeper level. As you deepen your connection to your internal voice, you also heal anything and everything that stands in the way of that connection. When I am in the midst of a charged moment or a sleepless night, and my thoughts are going a million miles an hour, I can feel so powerless. But when I find my way through the healing moment, I notice the bright blue sky and clouds billowing overhead. And I feel that inner voice, that reminds me to pause and listen to the guidance showing me places to heal or ways I can move forward or maybe sit in the discomfort by standing still.

The core reason I choose to live intuitively is because I continue to find better health in my body, mind, emotions and spirit. Life is still challenging but my inner world and guidance continue to develop as a powerful place to navigate from. My relationship with myself and others continues to grow and expand. I find skillful ways to maneuver through sticky situations by letting myself sense ways to stay out of old traps that are disempowering. Intuitive living rocks the boat as it is not about conforming or doing what I am “supposed” to do according to social norms. Each moment asks me to show up and pause and feel into right action. This feels like true power, being awake and grounded in gentle knowing.

The intuitive path is a road of choice. And in the moment, I choose to stir up my creativity and play in the magic of manifesting. My intuition continues to nudge me in directions to assist me in my choosing. Intuitive living is multi-dimensional, technicolor and has the potential to activate and a heart full of curiosity and courage. Because it is worth it, we all are worth it.