Fear or Faith, Your Choice

Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

In a Cherokee legend a boy tells his grandfather that there is a fight going on inside him between two wolves. One wolf has it’s teeth bared and jaw clenched and reacts to every situation from a place of fear. The other wolf moves with relaxed shoulders and lounges in the sun, lifting it’s head lazily because it trusts that everything will unfold perfectly.

“Grandfather, which wolf will win,” the boy asks. “Which ever wolf you feed,” the grandfather replies.

Choosing the wolf of faith can be easy when our lives are unfolding without much turbulence or when we are living relatively stress free. But what happens when we feel ourselves clinching our jaws and running over and over the what-ifs? When the fearful wolf is winning?

I find two of the most powerful tools to help you feed the wolf of faith is prayer and gratitude. If you are panicking about an upcoming decision, for example, to relocate to a new house, begin with prayer. “Divine light please help me land the perfect place to live, a house where I am safe. My decision is a good financial choice and it cultivates happiness.” Next work with your attitude. “I am so grateful to have the opportunity to choose a new house, I am so grateful for my strong legs and great relationship with my friends.”

And most importantly, which wolf are you feeding? Pay attention to the focus of your conversations, thoughts and try to bring your attention back to the wolf you want to feed. You choose. Sending love and light your way!