Listening to Timing

This might sound familiar: you know what you want, but each time you move toward it, it feels like you face plant into a brick wall.

For instance, maybe you want to reconnect with an old friend or loved one but you have been distant. Maybe it was a misunderstanding where feelings got hurt or there was just a moment where the two of you weren’t aligning and your relationship went on pause. Time lapsed – things needed to settle so you could understand your part in the situation. With the distance you felt your heart contract when you thought of them. Over time, your desire was to reconnect and move toward them but something didn’t feel quite right. This might show up as tightening in your stomach or an email that you couldn’t seem to write. You might have even beat yourself up a bit and started to type words on a page. But when you tried to force it, you were unable to hit send or didn’t have the energy to dial their number.

Is it possible that in this moment your intuition is speaking loud and clear?

But how can intuition not guide you toward what you want? You want a healthy, robust connection with this person and you want to relaunch the love between you. It makes no logical sense why your intuition is not guiding you toward action.

Intuition assists us in getting what we want but it is also privy to the fact that so many things are at play. For instance in relationships we are 100% responsible for our part. But we are only 50% of the relationship. Sometimes hurt feelings and individual work on oneself can need time to align to a new order. We could be hitting the wall because even if we are ready to reconnect, maybe the other person is not quite ready. Or maybe it is connected to the fact that the two of you are vibrating at different frequencies. In the universe, like attracts like and as we change and heal our vibrations change. Or maybe there is something we just don’t understand. Because — on this path — there is always mystery.

Trusting that everything is aligning perfectly is the most challenging part. And if you get impatient with the process, come back to the actions you can take. Send prayers, ask for light and healing to align you to something new. Talk to their spirit, continue to learn and open to what you are learning about yourself. Allow all the elements to be reconfigured and know it will take as long as it takes. And when the time arrives for you to take action, you will be prompted and your action will be skillful and free of hesitation.

Happy full moon Sending love and light!