Opening the Flood Gates

Posted by on Mar 24, 2018 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Another question from a client…

Dear Julie,
I am actively working on calling in a loving partner. I am writing lists, holding thoughts of my perfect relationship and feelings in my heart of what this new partner feels like. And recently it felt like something shifted and that I could almost feel my partner coming in. But then somehow a few of my exes showed up. I ran into one ex at the grocery store and received a hook-up text from another old ex. The exes that at one point were such a yes and now are a let-me-build-a-brick-wall-to-keep-them-out sort of no. What’s up with this?

Ah, interesting isn’t it! When we begin to get closer to what we want, we sometimes have to revisit things of the past. When we are manifesting new things in our lives we are preparing for a new reality – our energetic vibrations begin to shift. So in order to match this new state of being, we need to clear out anything and everything that doesn’t match with that new vibration.

It’s kinda like opening up the flood gates and when the waters rise, the cockroaches and rats and trash have to come to the surface. (All human beings are worthy and brilliant so I am not calling your exes any names.)

So how do we work with this energy? You may want to remind yourself as you are manifesting, you are also aligning with healing anything and everything that stands in the way of what you want to create, thus you are activating a process. So once the intention is set, you are now healing anything that stands in your way of what you are creating.

If you able to, try to relax and not tense up as things appear. And when your exes show up, don’t be swayed into thinking that it is a message telling you to return to them. It is telling you there may be something unfinished on your side. Journal about it, talk to friends, work with your team of healers. But if you can try not to re-engage with the ex as it may bring in a whole new negative cycle.

Happy new moon, and may your manifesting process be full of ease and light.