Planting Seeds

Posted by on Apr 4, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I don’t consider myself an avid or experienced gardener but I do have a knack for making things grow.  Some people call it a green thumb and if that is the definition for planting lots of seeds, then well, I have a green thumb.  Because inevitably when you plant lots of seeds, things grow.  Now, growing seems relatively easy. You plant a tomato seed and most of the time a tomato grows.  And if it doesn’t you plant another seed.  The process is so impersonal.

I wonder how to allow the seed-planting process to inform intention-setting and manifesting.  For instance, you want to bring more balance to your life by eating more greens and spending more time in nature.  You may declare this or write it down.  Or you maybe you make a goal to walk twice a week and make daily salads.  This all goes pretty well until you are feeling your time constricting making it harder to stay committed to shopping and walks. Is there a way to treat intention-setting like planting seeds?

If we create our realities, and there no limits to what we can manifest, than how come we are sitting without the things we want?  For instance, you may really want a deep intimate relationship and this may not be happening.  Often times we think it has to do with not working hard enough, not trying or various other aspects.  And we could be inadvertently blocking ourselves.  Maybe we are projecting messages like “we don’t deserve a relationship” or “we are not good enough.”  These components of our subjective story hold us back.

I am curious how to infuse the expectation or ease around planting seeds into manifesting and intention setting.  When I plant a watermelon seed, I don’t tense up or spend hours processing with a friend about all my worries about the potential of the watermelon sprouting.  I add water and let the sun, soil and seed take its course.  And when a seed comes up I am not surprised, as that is what happens with seeds: they sprout.  I find that sometimes manifesting is not complicated; it is as simple as planting a seed and knowing that something will sprout.  Yes, you may have to spend some time finding the right environment and soil but it is a process.  And if for some reason the seed doesn’t sprout, try again.  And consider planting your springtime seeds by infusing your intentions and desires upon them.  Imagine the strong tomato stalks a reflection of your balance and the pair of sunflowers as they emerge to dance in the daylight to be you and your new partner. You will be surprised with what grows.