What do you mean let go?

Posted by on Jul 4, 2011 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Recently, I have become aware of a “worry” pattern I get stuck in as I attempt to create certain outcomes in my life.  The pattern consists of using my will to attempt to force things to happen in the form of scheming plans and over thinking how to make it happen.  It feels like a constricted fist, showing up in small things, like getting my cats to come inside at a certain time, or bigger, like how to fund the ideal living space.  Physically, I notice my jaw clamping down, my shoulders tightening, my mind racing through what ifs, and an energy vibration of anxiety.  And mostly, it doesn’t help getting me to my destination.

What happens if we release the worry cycle and use our energy to create an atmosphere of trust?

Easier said than done, I know, but often times, trying to create the right atmosphere for a conversation, or tightly budgeting every little cent proves to be exhausting and sometimes unnecessary.  And I spend nights sleepless, tossing and turning, which results in a scattered and burnt-out exhaustion during the day.  Retrospect definitely points to an understanding that the anxious energy did not help create what I want.  But more often than not it actually worked against my intuitive flow.

How to we find a way to let it go?  Well, I find sometimes being where you are and recognizing the gift of living without what you want can be helpful.  I will be okay if I don’t get this job, I recognize I really want it, and it feels right but there are invisible factors at work, so what if I stay with myself and trust for a minute.  And if this house or relationship seems like the right thing for me, then why am I losing sleep and mojo over it?

The underlying belief for many of us is that we don’t deserve to create and have what we want.  So in the process of getting what we want there can be a level of desperation… I have to have this or else.  Most of us are familiar with sticky desperate energy, whether it is from us or other people the energy repels.  How often have you met someone that gives off an anxious, I want-to-please-no-matter-what energy that sends you to the other side of the room.  Desperate energy works the same behind the scenes, it can repel what we want.  So if we find a way to stay in alignment with our natures and feel our essence of deserving and pure goodness, it makes it easier to release the pattern of anxiety.  Coming from a place of fulfillment, creates an atmosphere of already having what you want.

Talking to a friend about this, he said sometimes he considers the worst-case scenario first when working on manifesting.  If we can accept what is, or what could not be, it can help you release the tension around not having it.  There is a fine line between focusing and letting it go, sometimes I imagine holding what I want in one hand, and releasing it in the other.

And finally, if I feel am completely incapable of releasing the worry or monkey mind, I try to distract myself.  I am actually a proponent of finding some place to focus your energy.  Whether it is reading a book, doing an activity or something to engage your mind out of the context of obsessive thinking.  I also stay with my healthy tools, using prayer, setting intentions on what I want and asking others to see me as successful.  Letting go of the worry pattern in life can free up a lot of space to allow creativity and openness to thrive.