Working with a Soft Heart and Open Mind – Intuitive Choices

Posted by on Mar 24, 2018 in Uncategorized | No Comments

January 16, 2018 marks the first new moon of the year. New moons are powerful reset buttons, a time to start again and begin a new 28 day cycle. And since it is the first new moon of the year, it is a powerful time to set intentions for the year. I have followed moon cycles as a manifestation tool for years and I use the new moon to plant metaphoric seeds for things I want to create or focus my attention on. What seeds or intentions could you set that would help you commit to making 2018 a great year?

I like the words intentions, actions or planting seeds rather than resolutions. The word ‘resolutions’ hasa tinge ofnot being good enough. A resolution might be I am going to lose 20 pounds or get a better job or work harder. But what happens when we begin from a place of “I am good, I deserve happiness and I am committed to growing”? And I will plant seeds to make 2018 the best year ever.

In my morning ritual of channeled writing I have noticed a theme of messages that keep showing up: Be positive. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Take control of your thoughts. Focus your attention on what you want. In life there will always be challenges in health, relationships, emotional ups and downs and unwanted experiences. In the midst of life experiences I am reminded to focus on the blessings and goodness of life.

As we move toward the new moon is there an intention or two that would set your year into motion? Possible aspirations could include daily meditation or time in nature or finding ways to start everything from a place of gratitude. One small daily action or mantra could help you build and commit to creating the 2018 as a great year.