Building on what is Working

Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

When hiking with a friend I noticed how our conversation gravitated toward our current challenges. Interestingly, studies show that people are more likely to be imprinted by the negative emotions they experience and spend more time ruminating about them. If our attention is what creates our lives, I wondered if this tendency is empowering.

Once my friend and I noticed the trend, we shifted our focus to things working well in our lives and gratitude for all gifts we had. By the end of the hike we were a bit giddy from cultivating good feelings about our health, relationships and creative endeavors.

So it got me thinking… How about experimenting by writing down some of the shiny spots in our lives and continue doing this as a practice for a week or even a month. I wonder if we could manifest more bright spots in our lives? Or at the very least cultivate a positive perspective.