
Posted by on Oct 10, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

In this month of eclipses there is a lot of energy moving which can create a climate of emotional volatility. Personally, I notice my triggers feel more intense and before I know it my internal state of peace and serenity can be derailed. Once off track, I return to an old rooted track of thoughts that ties me into my very own little mini-dramas. The story components might change from situation to situation but the track has the same tone, one of defensiveness and reactivity.

So what happens when we get derailed and stuck on an old track or story?

I find affirmations are a great beginning. Like the one often used in EFT (emotional freedom technique), “even though I am feeling ______ (angry, frustrated, misunderstood, or any other emotion), I completely love and accept myself.” I like adding a physical element like the tapping series of EFT and if you don’t know the technique, finding something physical to shift you out of the pattern. Jump up and down, shift your eyes from right to left, wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you find your thoughts returning to the drama. Then repeat the mantra. When really triggered you may need to repeat the process again and again until you find a sense of equilibrium.

Getting derailed happens. The work is getting yourself back on track and heading your thoughts and energy down the path in which you want your life to go. Sending lots of love and light!