Choose Wonder

Posted by on May 4, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Life can be a series of challenges and the uncertainty associated with them can feel incredibly stressful. How do we cope with the unknown and not feel fearful? I suppose one way is to keep coming back to a place of choice, and we may not have control of a lot of things, but we can choose how we frame our experience.

If we adopt this perspective we can see things unfold just as they should, there is no reason to second guess our past or be afraid we will do something wrong. What if we all open up to experiencing life with more wonder and less judgment? If when uncertainty shows up we are able to stay curious rather than dial into programming, we can really open to vibrant living. I find if I partake in life as an explorer, it allows me to look deeply without getting my mind too involved.

A component living an intuitive lifestyle is to keep an inquisitive mind. Choosing to see life as an intricate and amazing series of occurrences allows us to be receptive on the journey. When we deal with challenges or things that upset us, how can we stay curious to the process? I wonder why I feel angry at this person, or why is this challenge appearing for me? By staying in a state of wonder we can develop the ability to live our lives less personally. Let’s face it, drama is fun and if we are to get involved in drama, shouldn’t we choose how it looks? So maybe for today or even a minute choose something different. Choose wonder.