Energy is Neither Created nor Destroyed

Posted by on Apr 4, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments
All of us are constantly bombarded with input, visual information, sounds, and human interaction.  Our minds, bodies, and emotions are complicated systems and so much of our experiences are not measurable through our senses.  For instance you may have a challenging moment with someone that haunts you for weeks, or depression that doesn’t have a source, or an unusual tiredness.  Often we absorb and experience energies without awareness of the orgin and how it affects us.

Can we feel more inline with our natural flow by understanding our energy?  A useful starting point is using the body as the gauge, notice discomforts, pain, emotions and inconsistencies.  Are there parts of your body that don’t feel right?  Can you visualize what it looks like?  Is there a way to release it?  By bringing a deeper level of awareness to our bodies, we can learn how to release energies that are not serving and realign to support.

Most of us who experience life like a sponge do this habitually, so it is important to check in frequently and see what we need to release.  If energy is neither created nor destroyed, keep in mind to release things that make you feel stagnant, and fill up with energy that makes you feel buoyant and light.  To clear out stagnant energy: wash your hands with cold water, get out into the sun, meditate, walk, dance, give and receive healing work, and anything that helps you release energies.  Once you feel lighter, be willing to visualize clear light coming back in and enjoy your rejuvenated system.