How to Tweak Your Story in Favor of Joy Leading With Your Story – Part II

It is a beautiful morning here in the backyard of my little oasis in the city. I am able to enjoy my morning with a journal in one hand and tea in the other as I sit under the canopy of a giant Mimosa in a thicket of a bamboo forest. Each bamboo stalk continues to compete, getting taller and taller. Twenty feet, twenty-five feet. It feels tropical in the high desert landscape as this small plot of land has two giant cottonwoods and irrigation rights – the equivalence to gold or cryptocurrency or the most sacred resources. The hummingbirds come and suck nectar from the trumpet vine flowers. The migration of birds fill the air with their songs. And a flock of fairies stay keep me buoyant, allowing me to indulge in innovation and creative sparks. This is my little slice of heaven: a place to begin my day in writing and dreaming and leave my day in such gratitude.

I have been thinking of how to lead with a story. For me, I want to begin with gratitude. I have an amazing life, full of the most inspiring clients, a lovely space to work and dream into. I live in a magical landscape and I have such amazing support of friends and family. And I continue to feel this space of growth and expansion into inspiration around living an amazing life.

What does it take for you to create a story that leads your life? A place where you could focus on the most positive aspects of your life and add some padding to the areas you want to build in more…I could tweak my story above to include areas I would like to improve upon. Maybe that would include more creativity or deepening connections to people. What would it feel like or look like? Maybe creativity would feel like a series of doors that I anticipate opening and maybe behind one door is a studio space full of stacks of colorful paper. Or maybe it would be having more weekend getaways into the New Mexico landscape with loved ones. It would feel exciting and alive. I could develop my vision like a script.

“I am now enjoying my morning time to be stacked full of creative inventiveness. I am making breakthroughs on a regular basis, developing my writing and doing small drawings of my dog that makes me so happy. I drive in my little car with loved ones and we have lots of lively talks and laughter fills the air as we devour the New Mexico landscape.”

What script would you like to create to lead your story and your life? Happy new moon dear ones — may this be a moment of inspiration and gratitude.